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  3. #include "obs-manager.hpp"
  4. #include "settings-manager.hpp"
  5. #include <gtkmm.h>
  6. class SettingsWindow : public Gtk::Window
  7. {
  8. public:
  9. SettingsWindow(OBSManager *obs);
  10. virtual ~SettingsWindow();
  11. private:
  12. SettingsManager *settings;
  13. Gtk::Box mBox;
  14. Gtk::Frame mFrameSettings;
  15. Gtk::Box mBoxSettings;
  16. Gtk::Box mBoxPluginDir;
  17. Gtk::Label mLabelPluginDir;
  18. Gtk::Entry mEntryPluginDir;
  19. Gtk::Box mBoxOutputDir;
  20. Gtk::Label mLabelOutputDir;
  21. Gtk::Entry mEntryOutputDir;
  22. Gtk::Frame mFrameDesktop;
  23. Gtk::CheckButton mCheckButtonDesktop;
  24. Gtk::Frame mFrameWebcam;
  25. Gtk::Box mBoxWebcam;
  26. Gtk::CheckButton mCheckButtonWebcam;
  27. Gtk::ComboBoxText mComboBoxVideoDevice;
  28. Gtk::Frame mFrameAudio;
  29. Gtk::Box mBoxAudio;
  30. Gtk::CheckButton mCheckButtonAudio;
  31. Gtk::ComboBoxText mComboBoxAudioDevice;
  32. Gtk::ActionBar mActionBar;
  33. Gtk::Button mButtonClose;
  34. Gtk::Button mButtonSave;
  35. void on_show();
  36. void populateVideoDevices();
  37. void populateALSAAudioDevices();
  38. void populatePulseAudioDevices();
  39. bool onKeyPressed(GdkEventKey* event);
  40. void onClosePressed();
  41. void onSavePressed();
  42. };
  43. #endif