[ABANDONED] React/Redux front end for the Flexor social network.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33 lines
993 B

import React, { FC, useState } from 'react'
import { useTheme } from 'src/hooks'
import { classNames } from 'src/utils'
import { Post, ClassDictionary } from 'src/types'
import PostComponent from 'src/components/post'
interface Props {
posts: Post[]
collapseText?: string
const PostList: FC<Props> = ({ posts, collapseText }) => {
const theme = useTheme()
const [isCollapsed, setIsCollapsed] = useState(!!collapseText)
const style: ClassDictionary = {
'post-list': true,
'post-list-collapsed': isCollapsed,
return (
<div className={classNames(style)} style={{ backgroundColor: theme.backgroundSecondary }}>
{isCollapsed &&
<button className="button is-primary is-fullwidth" onClick={() => setIsCollapsed(false)}>{collapseText}</button>
{!isCollapsed && posts.map(post => <PostComponent key={post.id} post={post} />)}
export default PostList