import React, { FC, useEffect } from 'react' import { Link } from 'react-router-dom' import { useTheme } from '../../hooks' import { setTitle } from '../../utils' import Section from '../../components/section' import Title from '../../components/title' import Subtitle from '../../components/subtitle' const About: FC = () => { const theme = useTheme() useEffect(() => { setTitle('About Flexor', false) }) return (
About Flexor

Flexor is a service that lets users post stuff for their subscribers to see. Here are some things to know about how it works:


Flexor is made up of Communities. Each account is created through one. Communities enforce their own standards of behavior.

Check out the list of Communities.


Users post content to Flexor through apps created by other people/organizations.

Check out the list of Apps.

) } export default About